Syllables and metrical feet
English syllable structure is assigned by the following (radically simplified) set of phrase structure rules
(see also Coleman 1992):
Syl --> (On / Ri).
On --> (closure:[-nas] / cons:[GLIDE]).
On --> closure.
On --> cons:[GLIDE].
closure:[nas=A] -->
(cons:[-voi, +str, ALVEOLAR, FRICATIVE]
/ cons:[-cnt, -str, voi=A, nas=A]).
closure:[nas=A] --> cons:[-cnt, -str, nas=A].
closure --> cons:[FRICATIVE].
Ri:[heavy=A] --> (Nu:[branching=A] \ Co:[branching=A]).
Nu --> ...
Co --> (cons:[+coda, GLIDE] \ cons:[-son]).
Co --> (cons:[NASAL, cns=A] \ cons:[-son, cns=A]).
Co --> cons:[+coda].
Rules for the nucleus are presented elsewhere, as well as some of the necessary feature definitions
(see: Vowels and consonants).
The following template is used to assure that branching nuclei and codae are marked as [+branching]
, whereas non-branching nodes are left unspecified for this feature:
[+branching] --> [], [].
Also, templates are used to assign the features heavy and stress the status of head-features:
[heavy=A, stress=B] --> ([] / [heavy=A, stress=B]).
[heavy=A, stress=B] --> ([heavy=A, stress=B] \ []).
[heavy=A, stress=B] --> [heavy=A, stress=B].
As a result, a syllable is marked as [+heavy]
if the nucleus or the coda branches. Otherwise, a syllable is left unspecified for this feature.
Syllables are grouped into metrical feet by rules such as the following, which assure that heavy syllables are analyzed as the head of a foot.
Foot -->
((Syl:[+stress] \ Syl:[-heavy, -stress]) \ Syl:[-heavy, -stress]).
Foot -->
(Syl:[+stress] \ Syl:[-heavy, -stress]).
Foot --> Syl:[+stress].
Note, however, that the above rules do not represent a fully developed analysis of English word stress.
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Arthur Dirksen / / January 1995