I am an economic and environmental anthropologist specialising in indigenous livelihood and social development issues in Latin America. In 1998 I completed my doctoral studies at St Antony's College and the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology (ISCA) at the University of Oxford. My D.Phil thesis explores indigenous theories of economy and society among Uitoto communities in lowland Colombia. I currently work as a part-time research associate at the Oxford University Phonetics Laboratory. I am also an Honary Research Fellow of the Department of Social Anthropology at Manchester University. As well as research, I do freelance work as a self-employed international development consultant.
My research and professional interests include participatory ethnodevelopment, social forestry, intercultural education, Indigenous Knowledge Research (IKR) and sustainable income initiatives in Amazonia and other regions of lowland South America. Interests also encompass global tropical forest policies and their impact on indigenous peoples and their territories.