Introducing Speech and Language Processing
Companion Website

Book jacket This website complements Introducing Speech and Language Processing, a textbook by John Coleman, published by Cambridge University Press. For further information about the book, please click on this link to the Cambridge University Press website.

Contents of this site:

"Coleman is to be congratulated on this handsomely produced, easily accessible, fascinating book which many, many students of speech and language will undoubtedly find exceptionally valuable."
David Deterding, Associate Professor at NIE/NTU, Singapore. (See Deterding's review on The Linguist List).

"This book represents an important first step for forging effective collaborations with the speech and language processing communities ... It would be wonderful to see more books with Coleman's vision." Mary Harper, Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, Computational Linguistics 32 (1), 137-142.

"whether or not this is the perfect introduction to speech and language processing for students with no technical background, it’s probably as close as we are likely to get for some time." Daniel Hirst, CNRS Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Université de Provence, in Journal of the International Phonetic Association 36/2, 2006, 198-200.

"ISLP is an ambitious attempt to initiate non specialists to complex techniques for speech and language processing. ... I would recommend ISLP as an excellent starting point for the linguistics researcher who wants to know more about how computational techniques can apply to his or her discipline." Graham Ranger, University of Avignon, Cercles: Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde anglophone, 17, 2007.

Some contrasting reactions:

From Rob Clark's Speech Processing course website at Edinburgh:
"This book covers the most of the course content but at an introductory level, making it a good introduction for students from a less technical background. Don't be put off by the example "C" code, which is really unnecessary."

From John Fry's blog: "I’ve been using John Coleman’s new textbook, Introducing Speech and Language Processing, in my speech technology course at SJSU this semester. ...By far the best feature of this book is its focus on concrete implementation, in source code, of the concepts discussed. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a working C program is worth a thousand more. Coleman deserves our thanks for including actual speech processing code with his textbook."

This page last edited on 4/9/2007.