The prosodically transcribed IViE corpus on-line

Supported by ESRC grant R000237145

PHP and MySQL programming: A. Slater

On-line version Copyright©2002 E. Grabe and A. Slater. Oxford University Phonetics Laboratory.

Conditions of use:

The IViE corpus, the IViE prosodic transcriptions and the associated documentation are copyright information. The speech data, the transcriptions and the documentation cannot be copied or distributed in any format unless this paragraph is included. The speech data and the associated transcriptions are available to any interested user, but only for non-commercial use. The ESRC and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge make no warranty whatsoever in relation to the materials including as to accuracy, quality or fitness for any particular purpose, and accept no liability in relation to the use of the materials or anything associated with such use.

The IViE data and the associated prosodic transcriptions are available free of charge and may be used for all academic research and teaching purposes and they may be used as a basis for for M.Phil or PhD dissertations.

Please quote IViE transcriptions as follows:

E. Grabe and B. Post (2002). The transcribed IViE corpus. University of Oxford Phonetics Laboratory.

This page offers

Search for IViE transcriptions on-line

Tick one or more boxes to define your search criteria.

Choose a dialect
Belfast Bradford Cambridge Dublin Leeds London Newcastle

Choose gender
Male Female

Choose one of five speaking styles

Read sentences with different syntactic structures
Statement Coordination Yes/no question Declarative question Wh-question

Read text: section from fairy tale Cinderella

Semi-spontaneous: retold version of Cinderella

Interactive I: Map task
Map task

Interactive II: Free conversation

Comments and suggestions welcome

- Last modified on 8/06/2002 -