Speech synthesis
Techniques used to generate synthetic speech
- waveform concatenation
- formant synthesis
- articulatory synthesis
For a recent introduction to the field see Keller 1994.
YorkTalk and IPOX use formant synthesis because
- unlike waveform concatenation, it offers fine-grained control over speech output
- it is relatively easy to obtain data for a formant synthesizer
- Why is so little progress made in Speech Synthesis research?
- too much engineering
- emphasis on robustness rather than completeness
- linguistic model based on SPE
- phonetic model based on segmental units
- computational linguistics
- speech generation rather than text-to-speech conversion
- linguistic model based on prosodic theory
- phonetic model based on overlapping constituents
Arthur Dirksen / adirksen@prl.philps.nl / January 1995
Phonetics Laboratory, 41 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JF
Email: enquiries@phon.ox.ac.uk | Tel: +44 1865 270444 | Fax: +44 1865 270445
Email: enquiries@phon.ox.ac.uk | Tel: +44 1865 270444 | Fax: +44 1865 270445